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Node - Get Multiple Data

[Get Multiple Data]: With this node you can fetch multiple rows of data (multiple rows of records in a worksheet or multiple rows of data in an array). You can modify these records in bulk, or add these data to other worksheets in bulk, or you can pass them to subflows for processing.

Ways to get multiple data

  • 1. Query and Batch Update

    Query multiple records from the worksheet, and update them in batch after querying, updating up to 1000 records. If it exceeds 1000, only the first 1000 records will be updated based on the sort order.

    After updating, the data can still be used in subsequent nodes, with a maximum support of 100 records in that node.

  • 2. Query and Batch Delete

    Query multiple records from the worksheet, and delete them in batch after querying, deleting up to 1000 records. If it exceeds 1000, only the first 1000 records will be deleted based on the sort order.

    When deleting records, you can choose to permanently delete them without moving them to the Recycle Bin (if this, the deleted records cannot be recovered).

  • 3. Query Worksheet

    After querying the worksheet and obtaining records, these records can be used in subsequent nodes.

    • If the obtained data is used in nodes such as [Add Record], [Update Record], [Delete Record], or [Code Block], up to 100 records can be processed. If it exceeds 100, the workflow will be terminated.
    • If the obtained data is used in subflows, it can process up to 10000 rows of records.
  • 4. Get Associated Records

    Get multiple records associated with a single record, obtaining up to 1000 associated records in this way. If you need to retrieve more than 1000 associated records, please select "Query Worksheet".

  • 5. Get Batch Add Results

    The "Add Record" node supports batch addition, so you can obtain multiple rows of data again from the records added in batch.

  • 5. Get New Data in Bulk

    • In the [Add Record] node, you can add records in bulk, so you can get multiple rows of data from records added in bulk again.
  • 6. Get Operation Details

    • Get the operation details of an [Approval] node or [Fill in] node, including operators, time, comments, signatures, etc.
  • 7. Get Object Array

    • In nodes such as [Code Block], [Send API Request], and [PBP], it can output an object array, and this node can help to receive and transform object data into a multi-row data structure.

Limit the number of records obtained

Obtain only the top X records based on the sorting rules and query conditions.

  • If the data obtained is used in the nodes like [Add Record], [Update Record], or [Delete Record], a maximum of 100 records will be processed (it is recommended to set this limit to a maximum of 100 records). If it exceeds 100 records, consider using a subflow for processing.

  • If the data obtained is used in a subflow, a maximum of 10,000 records can be processed (it is recommended to set this limit to a maximum of 10,000 records).

Access mode - Save the obtained data or not

  • Type 1. Direct access

    When the workflow reaches this node, it calculates directly and the result is kept for subsequent nodes to use. The result is the same for all subsequent nodes.

  • Type 2. Dynamically obtain each time it is used

    The workflow does not fetch data when it reaches this node, and re-calculates when it reaches a subsequent node that needs the obtained data, which may be different for different nodes.

Example: As shown below

  • If you select [Direct access], the workflow is normal. After deleting the target record, you can also continue to write the data to the backup worksheet.

  • If you select [Dynamically acquired each time it is used], after deleting the target record, in the [Add Recor] node, it obtain the invalid record again, but it has been deleted, so the data cannot be written to the backup worksheet.

Use Case

The worksheet Project is associated with the worksheet Task. A project can be associated with multiple tasks. When you complete a project and update the status to [Finished], you can get the associated tasks in bulk and update them to [Finished] as well.

1. Create a workflow triggered by worksheet

  • Select the worksheet Project.

  • Select [Only when updating records].

  • Set the filter: [Project Status Equal to Finished]

    • In this way, the workflow is triggered only when the project status is updated to finished.

2. Add the [Get Multiple Data] node

Select [Get the associated records].

3. Set the node

  • A: Select the node object

    • Choose the record that triggered the workflow here.
  • B: Select the field of association type

    • Select the associated field [Task] here.
  • C: Filter

    • Filter the associated records to get only the required records.
  • D: Collation

    • Set a sorting rule so that it can return a list of records sorted by this rule.
  • E: Limit number

    • You can set to get up to X rows of records, where X can be a fixed value entered manually or you can select a number field. For example, when querying worksheet, there are 200 records that meet the condition, but you only need to delete 60 records, you can set to get up to 60. If you do not set the number, in the [Get Multiple Data] node, it can only get up to 100 rows, or up to 10,000 rows in a subflow.

    • If the obtained records are to be used in nodes such as [Add Record], [Update Record], [Delete Record] and [Code Block], it is recommended to set to get up to 100 records.

    • If the obtained records need to be passed to subflows, it is recommended to set to get up to 10,000 records.

    • If the obtained records are to be used in PBP, view more details.

Save the node settings.

4. Batch update the records

Updated object: Select the multiple records obtained by the second node.

Updated field: Set task status to Finished.

5. Publish the workflow

6. Test

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