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Control - Single select/Multiple select

For the single select and multiple select control, you can configure the available options for them in advance, so that the users can complete the input with a single click, improving input efficiency. In addition, you can set values for each option for the later calculation, if needed..

1. Placement

There are 3 types of placement style for options, namely drop-down, tile (horizontal, vertical and matrix arrangement) and progress. You can also take into consideration the field width to make the layout better.

The placement style of progress is not available for multi-select controls.


  • If it is tiled horizontally, the options will be displayed next to each other, and when there are multiple lines, the options are not aligned.

  • If it is a matrix arrangement, it will be fixed to display in a line of X options according to the length of each option, and left-aligned at the top and bottom for multiple lines.

2. Add/Delete Options

You can configure custom options for the field or select a configured set of options.

Once selected and saved, they cannot be changed unless the field is deleted.

More details in selecting a configured option set

3. Add/Remove Custom Options

Batch Add Options

You can enter multiple lines of text, and each line is automatically recognized as an option.

If the options are from an option set, they are automatically synced to the option set when editing them in a field.

3. Other Options

When not all options can be listed, it is necessary for the user to manually enter other content to be added. "Other" can be customized with a name such as "None of the above". The Other option will always be displayed last.

For the "Other" option, it will show the input when displaying, but for filtering, you still need to select "Other".

4. Copy Options

It will copy all the existing options as new options.

5. Sort Options

Records can be sorted by options in the view of the worksheet, which is consistent with the ordering of the options in the field configuration.

If the ordering of the options is changed in the field configuration, the App Admin needs to batch refresh the data to update the sorting of the records in the view.

Batch Refresh

6. Set Colors

For each option, you can set a color for easy identification and management.

As shown in the worksheet:

7. Assign Credit to Options

Sometimes, each option may represent a certain number. For example, when the single select field is used to represent the tax rate (1%, 3%), in the actual calculation, it should be 0.01, since 1% is text content and cannot participate in calculation, so the calculation is achieved by assigning credit to the option (0.01).

  • The assigned credit can only be used in formula controls and to set default values (other field values).

  • The assigned credit cannot be used to set the default value with a function.

  • Options are not sorted by the assigned credit.

8. Default Value of Options

If you set default values for the options, the default options are automatically selected when a new record is added. In the custom option and option set, the default value is configured in different ways.

It supports setting fixed default values, or dynamic default values.

  • Fixed Default Value

    Click the input box and select a fixed default option.

  • Dynamic Default Value

    You can set dynamic defaults in three ways, other field values, query worksheets, and functions.

    Examples of Setting Default Values by Function

9. Allow Users to Add Options

Sometimes, the options configured by the admin cannot cover all. When selecting, if there is no appropriate option, users can enter manually and add it as a new option.

It is only available in the drop-down mode.

Users enter the content in the input box and press Enter.

10. Options Set

An option set is a common option template, or data source. In the single or multiple select control, you can directly select an existing option set, or you can convert the custom options in the field to an option set for other worksheets (the conversion is irreversible).

1) Convert custom options to an option set

After conversion, if you continue editing the options, they will be automatically synchronized to the option set. If the option set is used in fields of other worksheets, they will also be automatically updated.

2) Select an option set

3) Management of option sets

More details about Option Set

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