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Title Field

The title field is usually identifiable and unique, identifying the main content of a record. Without it, the form cannot be saved.


  • In Customer worksheet, generally the customer’s name is set as the title field (identifiable).
  • In Order worksheet, you can set the order number as the title field (unique).

How to set title field

When editing the form, select the target field and click [T] at the top right of the field to set.

Controls that can be set as title

Text: Text, Telephone, Email, Concat, Autonumber, Foreign, ID Number and Rich Text.

Number: Number, Amount, Uppercase, Formula, and Level.

Choice: Members, Department, Single-select, Multiple-select, Date, Region/City, Positioning, and Cascading.

Controls that cannot be set as title

File, Rollup, Relationship, Check items, Signature, Free Link, Segment, Remarks and Subform.

Where the title field is displayed

1. At the top of the record detail page

2. If a member needs to be reminded to view or process a record, the title field will be displayed in the notification message.

3. Display the title field of the associated worksheet for the associated field.

For example, the Order worksheet is associated with the Customer worksheet (multiple row), thus it displays the title field of the Customer worksheet (name of the customer company) for the associated record.

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