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Scatter Diagram

What: It is a chart consisting of a number of scattered points. The position of these points is determined by their x- and y-values. It presents the general trend of data and helps users to observe the distribution of data in terms of dimensions and colors.

The following is an example of how to create a scatter diagram.

Example: Show and analyze weight change of fitness people

Data range: Records of this month

Point (dimension): Select the field [Target Weight]

X-axis: Select the field [Current Weight]

Y-axis: Select the field [Weight Difference]

Configuration Steps

1. Create a new chart

Enter the configuration page of the chart.

2. Set the data source

Time range: [Date] (this month)

3. Select the [Scatter Diagram]

4. Set the point (dimension)

Select the field [Target Weight].

The number of points is set up to 1000.

5. Set the X-axis/Y-axis

Select the field [Current Weight] and [Weight Difference].

6. Point size

The size of the point on the chart is determined by the value. It can take the same value as the x/y axis.

7. Color (dimension/numeric value)

You can choose the choice or numeric field here. After this, the point is set with color.

Fianally, click [Save] to finish the configuration.

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