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Radar Chart

Features: A radar chart is a two-dimensional diagram showing three or more quantifiers or variables on axes starting from the same point. The relative positions and angles of the axes are usually uninformative.

The following is an example of how to create a radar chart.

Example: To evaluate the performance of six classes in the third grade of a secondary school

Data range: Average grades of six classes

Filtering field: Date created (this month)

Numeric: Sum of each subject

Configuration Steps

1. Create a new chart

Enter the configuration page of the chart.

2. Set the data source

Time range: Date created (this month)

3. Select [Radar Chart]

4. Set the dimension and numeric

Dimension: select the field [Class]; Numeric: select five subjects

Dimension: Only one field can be selected; Numeric: One or more fields can be selected.

5. Save


More Settings in Style

6. Measurement axis

You can set the maximum and minimum values of the measurement axis.

As shown below, the minimum value of 40 and the maximum value of 100 are set.

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